Ice & Environmental Justice Summer Undergraduate Research Awards

Call for Applications (deadline May 11, 2022)


Summer 2022

Ice and Environmental Justice Undergraduate Research Awards



Thanks to generous support from the Andrew Mellon Foundation, Professor Mark Carey (Environmental Studies Program/Geography Department) is able to offer two $4,000 Summer Research Awards for undergraduate students at any level to design and conduct full-time Summer 2022 humanities-oriented research on topics related to ice, climate, and environmental justice in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, Alaska, British Columbia).


Glaciers are of course icons of climate change. But they also play a role in farming and irrigation, environmental hazards like outburst floods and avalanches, salmon and fisheries, hydropower, alpine recreation, conservation, coastal and marine ecosystems, water supplies, public lands management, livelihoods, identities, and food security. Proposed research could focus on any of these topics, and many others, as long as it is connected to ice, the humanities, and environmental justice.


The goal of these Research Awards is to help students develop, conduct, and finish a research project. Ideally, the research proposal will be created with guidance from a faculty mentor. However, if you have a project idea, but not a faculty mentor, then contact Professor Carey who runs the UO Glacier Lab to help.


An exciting component of this Research Award is completion of a final product by the end of Summer 2022. There is flexibility in these final products. Most students will choose to write a research paper. But others may decide to develop a museum exhibit, or an art installation, or a studio project, or to publish a journalism article. Options are endless but must be agreed upon with your faculty mentor at the outset, so expectations and goals are transparent.


Eligibility Criteria

  • Projects may come from any discipline but should be connected to the humanities, environmental justice, and ice/climate
  • Applicants must be returning to the UO as an enrolled student for Fall 2022
  • Applicants must obtain a commitment from a faculty member to supervise their summer research project (contact Professor Carey if you have a project but not a faculty mentor)
  • Applicants may not be paid to conduct research through other internal UO research support programs during Summer 2022, though they may have academic-year support
  • Applicants must secure research approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) if the research involves work with human subjects


Award Expectations

  • Commit full-time effort to conducting research during Summer 2022
  • Maintain regular interactions with the faculty mentor during Summer 2022
  • Complete a research paper or agreed-upon final product (exhibit, studio, art, etc.) by the end of Summer 2022
  • Meet with the other award winner and Professor Carey at least 3 times during the summer
  • Share the results of the research project at the May 2023 UO Undergraduate Symposium
  • Acknowledge the Andrew Mellon Foundation in all work resulting from the Summer 2022 research
  • Notify Professor Carey of any publications, public exhibits, or conference presentations resulting from the research project


Award Details

This Research Award provides $4,000 during the Summer of 2022. The award will be paid out in two equal installments, one at the end of Week 5 and the other at the end of the Summer once the final research paper/product has been approved by the faculty mentor and Professor Carey.


Please Note: If you are receiving federal financial aid, this award may affect your financial aid eligibility because the Summer Research Award counts as aid rather than compensation for employment. Students who receive federal aid have a responsibility to understand these federal and UO rules and to report all awards earned to the UO Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.


Application Procedures

Submit an application with the following components:

  • a cover letter with all your contact information, student ID number, major, GPA, and your faculty mentor name, department, and email address. This cover letter must also include a statement affirming that you meet eligibility requirements and agree to fulfill all award expectations
  • a project description in an approximately one-page single spaced proposal that explains: (a) the justification for the project; (b) the proposed research questions; (c) the expected results; (d) the relationship of the project to ice, humanities, and environmental justice; and (e) your qualifications for this research
  • research plan and timeline, which should also name the type of final product (paper, art installation, etc.) you’ll produce and your plan for completing it during summer
  • a resume
  • a letter of recommendation from your faculty mentor, which should include their commitment to mentor your project during Summer 2022


Application Deadline: May 11, 2022


Application Submission

Submit applications to Professor Mark Carey at

Faculty mentors should also send their letters of support directly to Mark Carey.



Contact Professor Mark Carey at

Student and Faculty Winners of Climate Justice Awards

Two UO students and two UO faculty won the 2021 awards for research and teaching related to ice, society, and climate justice in the Pacific Northwest, with funding from the Andrew Mellon Foundation through the Just Futures Institute.

Students Jessica Gladis and Anna Mattson won the 2021 Undergraduate Summer Research Awards. Jessica’s project involved research on “Hermeneutic phenomenology: How perceptions of place form differing attitudes towards agency and climate change” focused on the Mount Rainier region to uncover climate values and experiences with glaciers. Professor Barbara Muraca (Philosophy/Environmental Studies) served as her faculty mentor. Anna’s project focused on “Glaciers, salmon, and environmental justice in Cordova, Alaska,” from a journalistic and storytelling perspective. Her faculty mentor was Professor Torsten Kjellstrand (Journalism).

Faculty members Casey Shoop and Gordon Sayre won the 2021 Course Development Grants for Ice and Environmental Justice. Professor Casey Shoop plans to teach a Clark Honors College course on “The Ice Archives,” which will grapple with how “glacial ice is both a medium of storage and the material of storytelling.” The course will ask students to explore not only how ice records the past but how stories, meaning, and even injustices are embedded in ice and what we say about glaciers. Professor Gordon Sayre plans to teach an Environmental Studies/Folklore course on “Ice and Fire in the Cascades: Memory, Energy, Recreation.” This course, to be taught in Spring 2022, aims to put knowledge about “glacial and geophysical deep time into a productive relationship with the modern timescales and methodologies of folklore and environmental humanities.”

More course development and student research awards will be offered for Summer 2022, so stay tuned for future calls. Congratulations to Jessica, Anna, Casey, and Gordon!

New Course Development Grants for Ice & Environmental Justice

Call for Applications

Course Development Grants for New Courses Related to Ice and Environmental Justice in the Pacific Northwest

If you’re thinking about developing a new course related to environmental justice—and particularly if it connects to the Pacific Northwest and to snow, ice, glaciers, or glacier-fed waterways—then consider applying for a new course development grant ($4,500 stipend plus OPE). Three of these grants are available thanks to generous support from the Andrew Mellon Foundation.

The goal of this larger Mellon “Pacific Northwest Just Futures” grant is to advance research and education on social and environmental justice issues in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, Alaska, British Columbia). There are many ways to bring these issues into new courses, and instructors from all disciplines, in all units, and all UO colleges are eligible to apply. Environmental justice courses related to ice could go in many different directions. Arctic residents including in Alaska rely on thinning sea ice for their homelands, hunting, fishing, transportation, cultural identity, and everything. Permafrost thawing is forcing some coastal communities to relocate and affecting vital infrastructure. Shrinking glaciers in Oregon and Washington play a role in farming and irrigation, environmental hazards like outburst floods and avalanches, salmon and fisheries, Tribal rights and treaties, hydropower, alpine recreation, coastal and marine ecosystems, public lands management, livelihoods and economies, identities, and food security.

Proposed new courses could focus on any of these topics and ice types (sea ice, glaciers, ice sheets, icebergs, permafrost, snow), and many others, as long as courses are connected to ice, environmental justice, and the Pacific Northwest. A new course in environmental ethics could include substantive new content on the Pacific Northwest and/or the cryosphere, while a new Earth Sciences course on hazards could add an environmental justice component, or a Law School course on water in the Northwest could bring in glaciers that feed those waterways, or an Indigenous environmental studies course could increase new content on environmental hazards and justice in Oregon.

There are three $4,500 course development grants available during the next two years, so depending on the number of funded courses in this round, there may be another call for applications next year.

Eligibility and Priorities

These course development grants are designed to help instructors create new courses. All UO instructors and faculty are eligible—from any unit, discipline, department, or college. Anyone who teaches their own courses can apply. Priority will be given to courses that will likely be taught at the UO more than once, rather than one-time course offerings. Courses that have strong environmental justice, ice, and Pacific Northwest content will also be prioritized over courses with only minimal attention to these topics. Priority will also be given to courses that offer innovative pedagogy and interdisciplinary approaches. Proposed courses must be taught within the next two academic years.

Award Details

The course development grant provides a $4,500 stipend to the instructor and covers the associated OPE. The award will be paid in two equal installments: first, at the outset of course development (for this round, in summer 2021); and, second, at the beginning of the term when the course is first offered.

Application Deadline: May 19, 2021

Application Instructions

To apply, email the following materials to Mark Carey (

  • Cover Letter that provides (1) your contact information, (2) course specifics including proposed course number, title, and expected enrollment; (3) timing of when you will first teach the course (term/year) and frequency of course offering thereafter; (4) course approval status, or steps required for approval, to assure the course can be taught as proposed
  • Course Overview explaining: (1) the course rationale, objectives, and topics; (2) any pedagogical innovations; (3) course plans including potential readings, assignments, topics to cover, etc.; and (4) ways the course addresses ice, environmental justice, and the Pacific Northwest
  • Department/Unit Head Approval: finalists will be asked to have their unit head confirm that the course offering and plan for continued teaching align with unit-level approvals and planning

Questions: For questions about the award and process, contact Mark Carey (, who runs the Glacier Lab for the Study of Ice and Society and is based in the Clark Honors College and Environmental Studies Program. Funding for these three course development grants comes from his “Ice, Society, and Climate Justice” dimension of the Mellon “Just Futures” grant.

Ice & Environmental Justice Summer Undergraduate Research Awards

Call for Applications

Summer 2021

Ice and Environmental Justice Undergraduate Research Awards



Thanks to generous support from the Andrew Mellon Foundation, Professor Mark Carey (Honors College/Environmental Studies Program) is able to offer two $4,000 Summer Research Awards for University of Oregon undergraduate students at any level to design and conduct full-time Summer 2021 humanities-oriented research on topics related to ice, climate, and environmental justice in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, Alaska, British Columbia).

Environmental justice research on ice could go in many different directions. Arctic residents including in Alaska rely on thinning sea ice for their homelands, hunting, fishing, transportation, cultural identity, and everything. Permafrost thawing is forcing some coastal communities to relocate and affecting vital infrastructure. Shrinking glaciers play a role in farming and irrigation, environmental hazards like outburst floods and avalanches, salmon and fisheries, hydropower, alpine recreation, conservation, coastal and marine ecosystems, water supplies, public lands management, livelihoods, identities, and food security. Proposed research could focus on any of these topics and ice types (sea ice, glaciers, ice sheets, icebergs, permafrost, snow), and many others, as long as it is connected to ice, the humanities, and environmental justice.

The goal of these Research Awards is to help students develop, conduct, and finish a research project. Ideally, the research proposal will be created with guidance from a faculty mentor. However, if you have a project idea, but not a faculty mentor, then contact Professor Carey to help. An exciting component of this Research Award is completion of a final product by the end of Summer 2021. There is flexibility in these final products. Most students will choose to write a research paper. But others may decide to develop a museum exhibit, or an art installation, or a studio project. Options are endless but must be agreed upon with your faculty mentor at the outset, so expectations and goals are transparent.


Eligibility Criteria

  • Projects may come from any discipline but should be connected to the humanities, environmental justice, and ice/climate
  • Applicants must be returning to the UO as an enrolled student for Fall 2021
  • Applicants must obtain a commitment from a faculty member to supervise their summer research project (contact Professor Carey if you have a project but not a faculty mentor)
  • Applicants may not be paid to conduct research through other internal UO research support programs during Summer 2021, though they may have academic-year support
  • Applicants must secure research approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) if the research involves work with human subjects


Award Expectations

  • Commit full-time effort to conducting research during Summer 2021
  • Maintain regular interactions with the faculty mentor during Summer 2021
  • Complete a research paper or agreed-upon final product (exhibit, studio, art, etc.) by the end of Summer 2021
  • Meet with the other award winner and Professor Carey at least 3 times during the summer
  • Share the results of the research project at the May 2022 UO Undergraduate Symposium
  • Acknowledge the Andrew Mellon Foundation in all work resulting from the Summer 2021 research
  • Notify Professor Carey of any publications, public exhibits, or conference presentations resulting from the research project


Award Details

This Research Award provides $4,000 during the Summer of 2021. The award will be paid out in two equal installments, one at the end of Week 5 and the other at the end of the Summer once the final research paper/product has been approved by the faculty mentor and Professor Carey.

Please Note: If you are receiving federal financial aid, this award may affect your financial aid eligibility because the Summer Research Award counts as aid rather than compensation for employment. Students who receive federal aid have a responsibility to understand these federal and UO rules and to report all awards earned to the UO Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.


Application Procedures

Submit an application with the following components:

  • a cover letter with all your contact information, student ID number, major, GPA, and your faculty mentor name, department, and email address. This cover letter should also include a statement affirming that you meet eligibility requirements and agree to fulfill all award expectations
  • a project description in an approximately one-page single spaced proposal that explains: (a) the justification for the project; (b) the proposed research questions; (c) the expected results; (d) the relationship of the project to ice, humanities, and environmental justice; and (e) your qualifications for this research
  • research plan and timeline, which should also name the type of final product (paper, art installation, etc.) you’ll produce and your plan for completing it during summer
  • a resume
  • a letter of recommendation from your faculty mentor, which should include their commitment to mentor your project during Summer 2021



Application Deadline: May 7, 2021



Application Submission

Submit applications to Professor Mark Carey at

Faculty mentors should also send their letters of support directly to Mark Carey.



Contact Professor Mark Carey at



New Postdoc Position in Ice, Society, & Resilience

Ilulissat Icefjord, Aug. 2019. Photo by Mark Carey.

Thanks to a new $156,226 grant from the University of Oregon that Dave Sutherland (Earth Sciences, Environmental Studies) and Mark Carey (Environmental Studies, Honors College) have received from the Resilience Initiative Seed Funding Program, Office of the Vice President of Research and Innovation, they are able to fund a new postdoctoral fellowship as part of their collaborative, interdisciplinary research project on “Resilience, ice and society: Probing the timescales of human interactions with cryospheric change.”

Postdoc Description. This University of Oregon funded project aims to explore glacier fluctuations from both a physical science perspective and societal lens. What is the impact of cryospheric change and ice loss on local communities in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska region? How do we reconcile the long-term trends in glacier change with observed short-term variations, and how do the short-term changes affect various social groups differently? To make progress on these questions, this project will develop a more nuanced, time-focused approach to glacier change, examining the impacts of ice change on various marine and land-based ecosystems, as well as analyze how different human communities and individuals are affected by the timing of specific changes in socio-cryospheric systems across the greater Northwest region. The project is jointly led by a physical scientist (Dave Sutherland) and social scientist (Mark Carey), who will both co-mentor the postdoctoral fellow for this integrated, interdisciplinary research.

Position details. This is a two-year position to begin as early as Summer 2020. The salary is $50,004 per year (plus benefits, such as health insurance), with an additional $2,000 per year in research funds provided.

Review of applications will begin on February 17, 2020.

Click here for application instructions and the full position advertisement.

New Research Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Team Teaching

Thanks to a new Williams Council Instructional Grant, Mark Carey will be teaming up with UO oceanographer Dave Sutherland (Earth Sciences and Environmental Studies) and UO literature scholar Casey Shoop (Clark Honors College) to conduct summer 2019 research together in Greenland and to co-teach a Spring 2020 course on “Arctic Icebergs.”  Their project will pilot innovative teaching practices while allowing students to examine how Arctic icebergs move from Greenland fjords to the global imagination. Through new courses, team-taught by these three professors (one each from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities), Arctic icebergs will be used as a case study for teaching about larger environmental issues. This problem-based teaching experiment will incubate first in the Clark Honors College and then scale up for the College of Arts and Sciences to focus on real-world scenarios and collaborative undergraduate research.  Team-teaching on Arctic Icebergs will complement Carey’s ongoing scholarship — including his nearly completed book — on the multifaceted and longstanding human experience with icebergs in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Lab Member Presentations

Hayley Brazier presenting research at the 2018 ASEH conference in Riverside, CA


Hayley Brazier, Ph.D. candidate in Environmental History, recently presented lab research on ocean-ice dynamics at the annual conference of the American Society for Environmental History (ASEH) in Riverside, CA. Her poster was titled “Re-Envisioning the Difference Between Land and Sea: The Case of Ice in the Southern Ocean.” It was part of research she has been doing related to two of the lab’s current National Science Foundation grants on the history of glaciology and ocean-ice-society interactions in Antarctica.




Mark Carey presenting at the Biblioteca Nacional (National Library) in Peru, March 2018.

Mark Carey also presented at the ASEH conference in March 2018, offering arguments about the need for more multi-disciplinary research that includes not only historians and natural scientists but other disciplines as well, from engineering and anthropology to philosophy and geography. Carey also presented his research in Peru at the National Council for Science, Technology, and Technical Innovation (CONCYTEC) at a symposium on ” ‘Desastres naturales’ en el Perú: Investigación científica y marco institucional de acción.” Carey’s presentation was on “Perspectivas sociales sobre la desglaciación, avalanchas y deslizamiento de tierras,” with an emphasis on historical lessons for future planning and programs in risk reduction related to glacier shrinkage in the Andes. His corresponding article on the presentation can be found here.

Cascadia Environmental History Retreat

Glacier Lab members Hayley Brazier, Holly Moulton, and Mark Carey recently attended the 2017 Cascadia Environmental History Retreat at Friday Harbor, Washington. Also attending from UO were Marsha Weisiger (co-organizer), Ryan Jones, Nichelle Frank, and Olivia Wing.  The retreat attracts graduate students and faculty from Pacific Northwest universities from British Columbia to Washington and Oregon. Activities focus on scholarship, professional development, and community building, as explained by lab member Hayley Brazier in her 2016 article “Practicing in Place: The Environmental History Retreat.”

The Univ of Oregon group attending the Cascadia Environmental History Retreat, Lime Kiln State Park, Washington, 2017.

Research and Training on Climate Change and Society in the Andes

Lake Palcacocha, Sept. 2017. Photo by Holly Moulton.

This summer, Holly Moulton traveled to Peru for seven weeks to participate in research and training related to glacier melt, hydrologic variability and social aspects of climate change in the Peruvian Andes. Her first stop was the “International Social Science Forum: Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Climate Change, Disasters and Governance,” in Cusco, Peru. The conference was comprised of a multi-disciplinary and transnational group of professionals, academics, and members of civil society, who presented on issues related to climate change in high-mountain systems. Following the Social Science Forum, Holly traveled to Pisac to participate in the Winter School, a one-week training program sponsored by Proyecto Glaciares+ and the University of Zurich. The course provided background knowledge in integrated management of montane hydrologic resources to a team of diverse professionals. Following these experiences, Holly traveled to Huaraz, Peru to conduct research on social responses to climate change adaptations in the region, specifically related to flood hazards and water management at three glacial lakes. The work builds on more than 15 years of Cordillera Blanca glacier-society research conducted by Mark Carey and the Glacier Lab. This most recent work was conducted in collaboration with Mark and funded by a grant called Aguafuturo from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Aguafuturo seeks to create an integrated social and technical risk management framework for climate change related hydrologic variability and adaptation measures in the high Andes.

These various experiences and research show definitively that trans-disciplinary approaches to climate change adaptation in the Peruvian Andes provide both challenges and opportunities for future research. Climate change adaptation is a complex and multi-faceted process that is affected by social, political and natural variables alike. Above all, integrated management of hydrologic resources is critical.  Reducing flood risks, for example, may be insufficient as the only goal of a public works project at a glacial lake, given the projected future scarcity of water in the Cordillera Blanca and the need to anticipate related challenges. In this way, it is necessary to understand both the social and technical aspects of and barriers to climate change adaptation and water resource shifts, both in the short and long term. The Glacier Lab researchers and the Aguafuturo team at the University of Zurich believe that their research in the Cordillera Blanca can also be useful for understanding challenges and opportunities for climate change adaptation in other glaciated mountain regions across the globe.

Mountaineering, Citizen Science, and Glaciers

Our new article analyzing the history of glaciology and glacier research in Peru’s Cordillera Blanca suggests that citizen science conducted by mountain climbers, guides, and porters could augment the professional research about glaciers conducted by scientists. The article profiles, for example, the work of University of Innsbruck geographer and glaciologist Hans Kinzl from the 1930s to the 1960s to demonstrate that his time spent climbing Andean mountains and interacting with alpine residents and local communities facilitated his research agenda.  Spending time in the mountains, on glaciers, and with local residents remains helpful for effective glacier research.  In this way, mountaineers’ observations and data collection, such as information about rapidly changing glacial lakes, glacier stability, and mountain conditions, may offer useful information useful information for scientists and climate adaptation projects.  Several new programs—from Adventure Scientists and the American Climber Science Program to Girls on Ice, the Office de Haute Montagne, and Alp-Risk—offer just some of the examples of these kinds of innovations in citizen science related to high mountains, climate change, and glaciers around the world.  Our article concludes by suggesting that the ideal end result of citizen science by the larger mountaineering community that includes guides and porters would be increased knowledge generation and sharing, expanded public awareness, reduced risk of glacier-related disasters, and improved environmental management to help a broad range of stakeholders.